The leak and background:
The leak was originally attributed to the group Carbanak. But later found it was a wrong attribution. After, Minerva Labs [1] and Vitali Kremez [2] from flashpoint found evidences on the link between Pegasus and buhtrap.
I suggested to use windows environment to extract the archive. Since there are some encoding issue, I got wrong output from Mac OSX environment.
Use exploit to do privilege escalation
In InstallDispatcherDll/PrivEsc.cpp, two exploits were used, which are –
1. CVE-2015–0057, MS15–010, KBs: 3013455, 3023562
2. CVE-2015–1701, MS15–051, KBs: 3045171
We found timestamp around 2015–16 on the source codes, which means the exploit is not old at that time.
Two different versions of domain enumeration
In inc/DomainListMachinese.cpp, there are two different versions. First version, named dlmEnumV1, uses NetServerEnum. The second one, named dlmEnumV2, uses WNetOpenEnum, WNetEnumResource.
Use Вперёд Россия (Let’s go Russia/Go forward Russia) as default password
For lateral movement and propagate, it uses mimikatz and keylogger for havesting credentials. However, in inc/WorkDispatcher.cpp, it uses default password Dgth`l Hjccbz -> Вперёд Россия -> let’s go Russia/Go forward Russia.

Copy and modify Matt Graeber’s PIC_Bindshell for their own shellcode
Comparing the shellcode in Shellcode/shellcode.c with PIC_Bindshell, it is fair to say Pegasus’s shellcode is based on Matt’s. Also, the first line of the source code announced — “Code is extracted by foreign tool.”
DB use user root and password 12345
Web use denwer web development kit. In cfg/config.php, the credentials for database are –
- host: ‘localhost’, db: ‘pegasus’, user: ‘root’, password: ‘12345’
- key: ‘7393c9a643eb4a76’
Network traffic routes out only in usual local working clock
In shared/config.h, author suggests 10–60 mins delay for checking network for release mode. If PRESERVE_WORKHOURS_NETWORK_ACCESS is set to TRUE, remote network access will be issued only in usual working hours according to local clock (9–00(+lag) — 19–00)
Read notepad.exe and regedit.exe binaries header to get system’s architecture.
To distinguish the target’s operating system is running in x32 or x64 environment. It reads the NT header’s machine byte.
Attempt to perform remote execution using different methods, from less invasive to more.
